Positive Media Playlist – Earth Day

“Mother Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.”

Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 every year. The day aims to raise awareness among masses about climate change and global warming. The day inspires to act towards the protection of the environment and focus on the need for conservation. Earth Day is recognised as the largest civic event in the world.

Image by Tracy Brewer from Pixabay

Podcast: BBC Earth

Intimate stories and surprising truths about nature, science and the human experience in a podcast the size of the planet. Each week the BBC Earth podcast brings you a collection of immersive stories about our world and the astonishing creatures, landscapes and elements in it. Close your eyes and open your ears as you travel from the impenetrable forests of Uganda to research bases in the Antarctic; the edges of the Thar Desert to the Shores of Lake Tahoe. You can listen to the podcast on Spotify.

In this episode of the BBC Earth Podcast, we’re getting glimpses into brave new worlds, advancing into unfamiliar territories and breaking new ground. We’re pushing at the frontiers between us and the natural world.In New Zealand there is a river so integral to the history of the Maori people, it has just been granted “personhood”. It has been a fight fought for 140 years but finally, this giver of life and symbol of rich history has the same legal rights as the human beings that love it so much. This week we reveal stories of discovery from tiny tales of moss to the unexplored and vast ocean floor. We listen to James, a rhino keeper who talks about the plight of a species which is “functionally extinct”: the Northern White Rhino. There are only two left in the world but conservation scientists have hope; using Southern White Rhinos as surrogates, the scientists are taking on a pioneering mission to bring the species to term.

Netflix: Kiss the Ground

Science experts and celebrity activists unpack the ways in which the earth’s soil may be the key to combating climate change and preserving the planet. Watch the trailer here.

Yoga: YouTube

Grounding Yoga Practice | Happy Earth Day! – Yoga for Grounding. Yoga to assist you in creating harmony and balance. My 5 favorite poses to do when I’m feeling like my overactive crazy mind is getting the best of me. Connect to the Earth! Find peace from within. Ground and stabilize your energy! Find What Feels Good!

Wellness App: GoodGuide

GoodGuide lets you scan the barcodes of more than 120,000 products to see if they’re safe, healthy, green and socially responsible. Look up nutritional value, ingredients, animal welfare, human rights, energy efficiency and more. Available on iOS and Android.

Image by Ed Zilch from Pixabay

Read: Four Ways to Make 2021 More Restorative, Just and Sustainable

From a global pandemic to the hottest September on record to unrest sparked by discriminatory police brutality, 2020 was rough for the planet and its people. We can hope that this year will be better. But beyond just hope, we can make it better by taking personal actions to aid the world’s restoration. Here are a few simple steps to make 2021 something to truly look forward to.

Image by WAQAR AHMAD from Pixabay

Meditation: YouTube

EPIC GUIDED MEDITATION: “Earth Grounding” (self-empowering visualisation) – Epic Music, Uplifting, Reconnect with Earth. Empowering and uplifting, use this epic reconnection exercise every day and stay grounded. Headphones strongly recommended!

TEDTalks: How to save Earth with 5 minutes a day of responsible consumerism | Shaun Frankson

This talk informs the audience on how to be an educated and conscious consumer. Why it’s important to vote with your purchases. How to develop a 5-minute habit of making the responsible purchase to change the way corporations operate. Watch the talk here.

For the Children: 5 Eco-Friendly DIYs to Protect the Planet | Kids Vs. Plastic

It’s a DIY crafting craze, learn how to make eco-friendly party favours and school gadgets. Watch the video here.

Watch: Eco Eye

Magazine-style series focusing on environmental issues. Dr Lara Dungan investigates the surprising relationship between our environment and life expectancy. You can watch recent seasons on RTE Player here.

Food: Best in Season Calendar

Take a look at Bord Bia’s best in season calendar to see what fruit and vegetables are at their seasonal best in Ireland now.

Image by Prathamesh Sardesai from Pixabay

Finance: Earth Day-Inspired Financial Tips

With Earth Day approaching, protecting our natural environment, facing climate change, and generally greening the planet are on the minds of many. As we strive to better our world this Earth Day, there are some takeaways that we can apply to our personal finances. From growing investments to adapting to change, here are some tips for improving upon and adjusting your finances, all inspired by Earth Day.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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